

(This TIER 3 Package Includes 4 Domains)


EListPets.com animal welfare specialty domain name can be designed to support pet rescue in a number of creative ways. EList is short for euthanasia list. Every night, shelters and pounds all over the country designate certain pets in their facilities to be put on the elist, generally for alleged health or temperament issues, but most often just for lack of space. Those animals then have only a few hours to be rescued or put to death. With regularity, beautiful and perfect pets are killed for no ethical or moral reason. It is a sad reality of pet rescue and sheltering, and compassionate people all over the country work sacrificially 24/7 to improve the odds for elisted pets.

EListPets.com pet rescue compassion domain name could be a saving mechanism to support those heartfelt rescue efforts. EListPets.com premium domain name could be configured to join in the trenches as a networking device to connect shelters and rescue groups on a local or national scale to more quickly identify and protect elisted pets before they are euthanized.

Or EListPets.com best domain name could be designed as a whistleblower advocate to protect animals by exposing shelters who overuse and abuse euthanasia.

The EListPets.com top-tier domain name package comes with three additional extensions (.net, .org, .biz) to prevent competition or copycatting. EListPets.com can be set up as a non-profit charitable organization, and the .org extension will help identify the organization as such.


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